
Get Power TOEFL Reading Power

Do you enjoy reading in Spanish?

If not, you're certainly going to have trouble in English. Bad habits don't go away.

You're in luck!

Today, you get excellent reading tips and tricks to help you prepare for the TOEFL reading section.

TOEFL Reading Tips - Video

TOEFL Classes with Professor Winn in Bogota

Are you preparing for the TOEFL exam? 

Do you like studying along without the guidance of a veteran English professor? 


Send an email - - to Professor Winn and start improving your chances for a higher TOEFL score.

p.s. Subscribe to Bogota Inglés Ya by RSS so you don´t miss any of the posts.


IELTS Writing Power in Bogota

In the previous post, you got excellent tips on writing for the TOEFL iBT.

Now, how about some awesome advice to improve your chances on the IELTS writing?

If you are going to take the Academic IELTS exam, Task 1 covers expressing trends and making analysis about charts and graphs.

The video below is an excellent introduction to help you!

IELTS Task I - Introduction Video - Charts and Graphs

IELTS Classes with Professor Winn in Bogota

Do you need help preparing for the IELTS or TOEFL exam in Bogota?

Contact Professor Winn today.

Send an email to - - and get started with awesome prep classes so you are ready for exam day!

p.s. Subscribe to Bogota Inglés Ya RSS feed so you get every blog post to prepare you for the exams!


Conquer TOEFL Speaking

You've got 6 types of questions on the TOEFL speaking.

Are you prepared to deliver the "right" answers?

Well, today, get ready to learn how to be more confident speaking on the TOEFL exam!

TOEFL Speaking in Bogota

Start your TOEFL speaking preparation with a tutorial on Question #1.

I suggest you subscribe to the Englishravens YouTube Channel during your TOEFL prep.

You'll find a panoply of great videos, especially on the Speaking section! 

TOEFL Classes with Professor Winn in Bogota

Do you need more practice on the SIX speaking questions on the TOEFL?

Then, contact Professor Winn for TOEFL classes in Bogota!

Send an email to - - and start preparing for a higher score on the TOEFL ibt!

p.s. Subscribe to Bogota Inglés Ya by RSS so you don't miss any of the TOEFL or IELTS tips!



Double Scoop - Improve Your IELTS Listening in Bogota

IELTS Listening in Bogota - Video Twin Spin

In the last blog post about the TOEFL essay, you got a twin spin - 2 videos.

Well, today, you get two videos to help improve your listening skills on the IELTS in particular and in real life in general.

Listening is the language skill you use the most.

Think about it. Your ears are always "on" listening for sounds.

IELTS Listening Videos

First, you get a helpful video from the British Council which actually gives the IELTS in Bogota.

Then, another instructor on the Engvid Youtube Channel helps you with a lot of tips.

Classes with Professor Winn in Bogota

Do you need to improve your IELTS Listening?

Have you taken the IELTS once, but a low score makes you take it again?

You've got a local English prof to help you!

Send an email to - - and set up classes with Professor Winn today!

Don't settle for a low IELTS score in Bogota. Start preparing today!    


Video Twin Spin - TOEFL Writing in Bogota

TOEFL Double Writing Scoop - Bogota

TOEFL in Bogota - Professor Winn
I decided to double your video instruction today!

If there is one skill both students and professionals fear while taking the TOEFL, it is the essay.

Don't fear anymore!

TOEFL Writing Videos - Twin Spin

So, relax and enjoy this twin spin - 2 videos in a row - on TOEFL Writing.

I must say Engvid with Rebecca is  a YouTube Channel you should get to know to increase your English powers. 

She as a variety of videos on exam preparation, but general English as well. 

Professor Winn TOEFL Classes in Bogota

Are you facing the TOEFL exam soon?

You've got a partner to help!

Contact Professor Winn for TOEFL classes in Bogota today.

Send an email to:

Start your TOEFL prep today for success on the exam tomorrow! 

p.s. Subscribe to Bogota Inglés Ya by RSS so you don't miss any of the TOEFL or IELTS tips! 


Are you afraid of IELTS Speaking in Bogota?

IETLS in Bogota - Professor Winn
Speaking is one of the last skills students of other languages pick up.

Think about it.

You have no words in front of you to read. Your ears are always relaying sounds to the brain.

But for some reason, speaking English gives students and professionals butterflies


If you are a student or professional who needs to practice speaking English for the IELTS, you're in luck.

IELTS Speaking in Bogota

Watch the video below for some awesome tips to give you confidence on the exam.

Unlike the TOEFL iBT, you actually speak to a real person during the IELTS "interview" - speaking section.


Are you serious about maximizing your IETLS score in Bogota?

Contact Professor Winn to set up classes today so you will get a better score on exam day!

Send an email to:

p.s. Subscribe to Bogota Inglés Ya by RSS so you don't miss any of the TOEFL or IELTS tips! 


Watch this video to boost your TOEFL Listening in Bogota

Don't be afraid of the TOEFL iBT exam whether you are a student or professional in Bogotá.

Get solid tips right here on Professor Winn's blog.

TOEFL Listening in Bogotá

Today, you get a real treat. 

Listening is a problem for many students of English. Stop!

Watch the video below and remember these great tips when you take the TOEFL exam in Bogotá.

Are you ready to start preparing for the TOEFL exam in Bogotá?

Classes with Professor Winn in Bogota

Contact Professor Winn and set up your classes today. 

You should start at least 3 months before your exam date.

Send Professor Winn an email to:

Don't hesitate when you know you need a high score on the TOEFL iBT.   

p.s. Subscribe to Bogota Inglés Ya by RSS so you don't miss any of the TOEFL or IELTS tips!  


Use this video to boost your IELTS Reading in Bogota

In Bogotá, the IELTS is becoming more popular.

Make sure you have solid preparation for the highest score possible.

Now, watch the following video to help increase your reading skills.

Stay tuned to this blog - subscribe to the RSS feed so you don't miss any of the blog posts. 

IELTS Reading in Bogota

Now, watch the video below to help you with the IELTS Reading.

 Professor Liz is one of my favorite YouTube stars with great tips for the exam!

Don't let True-False-Not Given Questions lower your IELTS score!

Classes with Professor Winn in Bogota

In Bogotá, choose Professor Winn to help you get ready for the IELTS.

Contact him via email: and get started on the road to maximizing your IELTS score in Bogota.