TOEFL Preparation | Bogotá

Prepare for the TOEFL in Bogotá

Some universities in Colombia require students to present a successful TOEFL score to graduate.

Unfortunately, not unlike many students, they procrastinate, that is, wait till the last minute to take the TOEFL exam.


Others need a TOEFL score to get a scholarship to study in a US university.

Contact Professor Winn - – and organize your TOEFL study plan.

The TOEFL is long exam (more than 3 hours!) and is academic English.

These two factors alone make the exam a challenge to speakers of languages other than English.

Most TOEFL candidates do not begin with a high level of English to study at a US university.

However, the good news is – you can increase your English skills and score well on the TOEFL!

One secret - start at least three (3) months before your test date.

TOEFL Preparation in Bogotá

Contact Professor Winn - – and organize your TOEFL study plan.

Improve your English writing, reading, listening, and speaking skills now!

Here are 20 tips to jump start your TOEFL success in Bogota.

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