
Traducción Bogotá - Odebrecht Accord on Slave Labor, Human Trafficking

Portuguese to English Translation - Traducción portugués al inglés en Bogotá

Manchete:  Odebrecht fecha acordo de R$ 30 mi por trabalho escravo e tráfico de pessoas

Headline:  Odebrecht reaches agreement of 30 million reais for slave labor and human trafficking

Companies in the group will pay for collective moral damage in the biggest deal of its kind in the country  

SÃO PAULO – The Regional Labor Court of the 15th Region, based in Campinas/SP and Odebrecht reached an agreement on Thursday, March 16, the largest in the country regarding slavery and human trafficking. Companies in the group must pay 30 million reais for collective moral damage. 
Bogotá traducción - portugués al inglés - Odebrecht
The sum will be paid in 12 installments of 2.5 million reais intended for social projects approved jointly by the TRT of the 15th Region and Labor Ministry-Campinas. According to the Court's press office, the hearing of the case was one of the longest ever held, almost 7 hours long.

The decision stems from a conviction in the Second Labor Court of Araraquara (SP) of the construction company, Norberto Odebrecht S.A. and two subsidiaries, Odebrecht S.A. Export services and Odebrecht Agroindustrial, for promoting human trafficking and keeping more than 400 workers in slave-like conditions in the construction of the Biocom sugar and ethanol plant in Angola. In 2015, the company was ordered to pay 50 million reais.

[Read another Portuguese to English translation about Brazil's economic stimulus package.]


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