
Bogota | Portuguese Translation - Deep Brazilian Recession

Portuguese to English Translation - Traducción portugués al inglés en Bogotá

Manchete: Recessão faz economia de 12 estados e do DF retroceder seis anos

Recession makes economy of 12 states and Federal District retreat six years

Study shows GDP is less today than in 2010

RIO. Two bitter years of recession in 2015 and 2016
Bogotá - Portuguese Translation - Profe Winn - Brazil Recession
made the economy of 12 states plus the Federal District (DF) to retrograde to the beginning of the decade, a study by Tendências Consultoria Integrada obtained by GLOBO, shows. According to projections by economist Adriano Pitoli, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of all 27 federal units has shrunk in this biennium. And for 13 of them, the fall was so great that it erased the expansion experienced between 2011 and 2014. In other words, the GDP of these states and the Federal District is now smaller than the one at the end of 2010.

[Check this previous Portuguese to English translation about Trump and the auto industry].


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