
Profe Winn - Bogota Inglés English Grammar - That or Which?

Bogotá Inglés - English Grammar Short Videos

Bogotá Inglés - English Grammar Shorts - Relative Pronouns

Welcome to the series of English grammar "shorts."

Every Monday you get a new mini-English grammar lesson to help improve your skills.

Profe Winn opens his own teacher's notebook to hep you practice your grammar skills.

Follow Profe Winn in Google + - just click the link in the upper right corner of the blog.

English Grammar - Relative Pronouns

The short video highlights a troublesome grammar skill that some of my own students have difficulty.

Profe Winn decided to share so you may also benefit with strong English grammar skills.

Below a video quiz about the confusion between using Relative Pronouns - That or Which?

Watch this blog space on Mondays for a new mini-English grammar lesson video.

Subscribe to the blog's RSS feed so you don't miss any future English grammar lessons.

[Check this previous English grammar tip - There is/are].

Gramática Inglesa - English Grammar - That vs. Which


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