
Bogotá | Spanish Translation - Colombia's economic deacceleration

Spanish to English Translation - Traducción español al inglés en Bogotá

Título: Lento ritmo económico

Headline: Slowing economy

The government, conscious of the strong deceleration, presented the Colombia Recovery plan
Bogota Traducciones - español inglés - Colombian slowing economy
which aims to increase GDP by more than 2.5 percent this year.

Last year the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) only increased 2 percent, the lowest level since 2009, which confirms the strong deceleration of the Colombian economy. In 2015 the GDP grew 3.1 percent after four years of economic expansion over 4 percent. Last year, the notable sectors with growth above 2 percent were finances with 5 percent, construction with 4.1 percent, and manufacturing with 3 percent.  The latter was thanks to oil refining (23.2 percent). That is, the Cartagena refinery continues to carry the greatest weight of the industry.

[Check this previous Spanish to English translation on pampered pets at JFK Airport].

Conclusion: español al inglés traducción / Bogotá

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Bogota | French Translation - France ups exports to Spain

Bogota Inglés Ya - French to English Translation

Titre+3,5 Milliards D'euros À Saisir En Espagne Pour Les Exportateurs Français En 2017

HeadlineFrench Exporters to Pump 3.5 Billion Euros into Spain in 2017

The Spanish market will represent an important outlet for French companies in 2017. Euler Hermes estimates that the Spanish growth will endure this year (+2.3%), supported by a new spurt of +2.4% household consumption (+3.1% en 2016).

"Spain’s continued growth cycle is a great opportunity for our exporters,” says Stéphane Colliac, economist France at Euler Hermes. “By 2016, France made up 11% of Spanish imports, making it the country’s second biggest trading partner. In 2017, we anticipate an increase in French exports to Spain of 3.5 billion euros, driven by the prolonged dynamism of the Iberian economy.”

[Check another French to English translation on NATO defense spending].

Conclusion: francés al inglés traducción

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Bogota | Portuguese Translation - Brazilian Inflation Falls

Portuguese to English Translation - Traducción portugués al inglés en Bogotá

MancheteInflação prevista pelos consumidores recua pelo terceiro mês consecutivo

Headline: Expected consumer inflation falls for third consecutive month  

Lower than expected inflation occurred across all income levels

Bogota - portugués - inglés - traducción - Brazil- Inflation
The percentage of consumers seeing inflation below the upper limits of goals adopted by the government of 6.5% increased gradually by 6.4 percentage points, rising from 32.5% to 38.9% of the total, between January and February of this year. Lower than expected inflation occurred across all income levels.

According to data released today (21) by the Instituto Brasileiro de Economia da Fundação Getulio Vargas (Ibre/FGV), Brazilian consumers saw the average annual inflation lower by 0.3 percent from January to February, falling from 7.9% to 7.6%.


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Bogotá | Spanish Translation - Pampered Pets at JFK

Spanish to English Translation - Traducción español al inglés en Bogotá

Título: Llega a Nueva York El Aeropuerto de Lujo para Animales

Headline: Luxurious Airport for Animals Arrives in New York 

Since last Monday, dogs, horses, cats and even penguins are happy to travel to Manhattan because a luxurious terminal exclusively for animals has been inaugurated. The 16,000 square meter terminal cost JFK 65 million dollars.

traducción español al inglés Bogota - Profe Winn
In 2014, more than 53 million people passed through New York's JFK airport. All to taste, if they had time they could have tried one of the preferred hamburgers of the New Yorkers from Shake Shack, or get a quick manicure, have a massage, drink a glass of wine… More than 70,000 animals passed through JFK that year and, although some had to spend time in quarantine to control contagious diseases, never did they enjoy such comforts. But this has changed radically.

Starting last week, New York's largest airport has a new terminal only for animals. Called The Ark at the JFK, like Noah's, it is first of its kind in the world. It is much more than a simple veterinary refuge - a luxury resort designed for all types of pets. 

[Check this previous Spanish to English translation on how Odebrecht Rocks Colombia].

Conclusion: español al inglés traducción / Bogotá

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Bogota | French Translation - NATO Defense Spending

Bogota Inglés Ya - French to English Translation

TitreLe mythe des 2%

HeadlineThe Mythical 2%

It is the latest fashionable song. Defense expenditures must be 2% of the Gross Domestic Product.

This is the objective laid down by the Atlantic Alliance, stated regularly at summits (Wales September 2014, Warsaw July 2016). James Mattis, the new Secretary of State of Defense, said the same at NATO HQ: the American taxpayer should not pay for the European taxpayer… Each country must make “immediate and regular” progress towards this objective.

A reality or an illusion

2% is a mythical figure… It has little to do with defense like the “3% of deficit” of the stability pact to the economy: a watershed but also a certain illusion. It is the pledge, according to its promoters, of an effective defense. It is doubtful. The increase in defense expending is a pledge neither of quality, effectiveness, availability nor of will of engagement. The past years of European history have proved it. And it can be seen again today by carrying out a few comparative tests.

[Check another French to English translation on IMF, EU, and Greece].

Conclusion: francés al inglés traducción

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Bogota | Portuguese Translation - Military Hits Rio Streets for Carnival

Portuguese to English Translation - Traducción portugués al inglés en Bogotá

MancheteExército é mobilizado para garantir a segurança nas ruas do Rio de Janeiro

Headline: Army Mobilized to Guarantee Security of Rio de Janeiro Streets

Relatives block exit of police from stations to demand payment of wages

Bogota Portuguese Translations - Profe Winn - Military in Rio Streets
The Federal Government decided to deploy 9,000 army soldiers and Marines on the streets of Rio de Janeiro to guarantee security on the eve of Carnival. The military intervention was made at the request of the bankrupt state government, which cannot pay its civil servants, including the police. The answer to the request by Governor Luiz Fernando Pezão (PMDB) for deployment of the military 20 days ago comes four days after dozens of wives and parents of military police decided to occupy nearly 30 police stations to impede their spouses from conducting patrols.  The protest movement demands better work conditions for the police and payment of back wages. Relatives provoked a disguised strike by the police who are prohibited from any demonstrations or refusal to work.  

Defense Minister Raul Jungmann on Tuesday announced details of the military force. Two days ago, despite the blockades, he said the situation in Rio de Janeiro was "under control."

[Check this previous Portuguese to English translation about the deep Brazilian recession].


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Bogotá | Spanish Translation - Odebrecht Rocks Colombia

Spanish to English Translation - Traducción español al inglés en Bogotá

Título: El ‘caso Odebrecht’ amenaza con golpear a la política colombiana

Headline: The Odebrecht 'case' threatens to lash Colombian politics

Investigations into the Santos campaign and his rival Uribe sound alarm bells

Bogotá traducción español - inglés Profe Winn - Odebrecht Scandal
The evening of Tuesday, February 7, was to be a new moment of optimism for Colombia and, particularly for President Juan Manuel Santos. Representatives of the government and the ELN, the second guerrilla force of the country, started the public phase of the peace process. But the good news was tarnished by a point, apparently lost, in a press release from the Prosecutors Office: a million of dollars of bribes from Odebrecht may have gone to the 2014 presidential campaign of President Santos. The tentacles of the corruption scandal of the Brazilian builder entered in the Nariño presidential residence and continued to expand throughout Latin America. The consequences in Colombia are still unpredictable.

The same night, departing from the bunker, known to the building of the Prosecutor's Office in Bogota, Santos called Néstor Humberto Martínez, its head. "There is no better sign of this institution's independence", say sources from the Prosecutor's Office. Since, the President has kept silent. The Prosecutor clarified at a press conference that he just has the word of a defendant in the Odebrecht case.

[Check this previous Spanish to English translation on the Argentine economy].

Conclusion: español al inglés traducción / Bogotá

Get your competitive advantage in the interdependent global economy.

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Bogota | French Translation - IMF, EU, and Greece

Bogota Inglés Ya - French to English Translation

TitreLe FMI pose un diagnostic alarmiste sur la Grèce, Bruxelles et Athènes le contestent 

Bogota-French-Translation-IMF-GreeceHeadline: Brussels and Athens contest IMF’s Alarming Prognosis for Greece

Objectives set by the euro zone for Greece are “overwhelming optimistic” and risk “serious repercussions” for the country’s growth, the IMF warned in an alarming report contested by Brussels and Athens.

This is one in a string of disagreements between Brussels and the IMF: by granting their aid plan in the summer of 2015, the Europeans and Athens agreed on the objective of a primary surplus (excluding debt charges) to 3.5% of Gross Domestic Product by 2018 and ten years following.

In its annual report on the Greek economy, the IMF reaffirms its skepticism by judging the "underlying measures" intended to achieve this objective seem "overly optimistic."

[Check another French to English translation on trouble in the French nuclear industry].

Conclusion: francés al inglés traducción

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Bogota | Portuguese Translation - Deep Brazilian Recession

Portuguese to English Translation - Traducción portugués al inglés en Bogotá

Manchete: Recessão faz economia de 12 estados e do DF retroceder seis anos

Recession makes economy of 12 states and Federal District retreat six years

Study shows GDP is less today than in 2010

RIO. Two bitter years of recession in 2015 and 2016
Bogotá - Portuguese Translation - Profe Winn - Brazil Recession
made the economy of 12 states plus the Federal District (DF) to retrograde to the beginning of the decade, a study by Tendências Consultoria Integrada obtained by GLOBO, shows. According to projections by economist Adriano Pitoli, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of all 27 federal units has shrunk in this biennium. And for 13 of them, the fall was so great that it erased the expansion experienced between 2011 and 2014. In other words, the GDP of these states and the Federal District is now smaller than the one at the end of 2010.

[Check this previous Portuguese to English translation about Trump and the auto industry].


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[Check out this previous IELTS Writing tip.]

IELTS Speaking Tips - Bogotá


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Conclusion - IELTS Preparation in Bogotá

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Bogotá | Spanish Translation - US Trade Deficit

Spanish to English Translation - Traducción español al inglés en Bogotá

Título:  Déficit comercial de EE. UU. llegó en 2016 a su nivel más alto en cuatro años

Headline: US Trade Deficit hit 4-year high in 2016
Bogotá Spanish Translations-Profe-Winn-US-Trade-Deficit
The US trade deficit hit a four-year high in 2016 with persistent imbalances with China and the European Union, according to the Department of Commerce on Tuesday. 

The chronic trade deficit of the United States with the rest of the world rose to $502.2 billion in seasonally-adjusted figures, a 0.4% increase over 2015 at a time when President Donald Trump threatens trading partners with retaliation. 

In December, however, the deficit was only $44.3 billion, much less than expected by analysts.

[Check this previous Spanish to English translation on the Argentine economy].

Spanish to English Translations in Bogotá

Get your Spanish-language documents translated into perfect English by Professor Winn, wherever you are in the world.

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Profe Winn - Bogota Inglés English Grammar - That or Which?

Bogotá Inglés - English Grammar Short Videos

Bogotá Inglés - English Grammar Shorts - Relative Pronouns

Welcome to the series of English grammar "shorts."

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English Grammar - Relative Pronouns

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Below a video quiz about the confusion between using Relative Pronouns - That or Which?

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[Check this previous English grammar tip - There is/are].

Gramática Inglesa - English Grammar - That vs. Which


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Bogota | French Translation - France's Nuclear Industry

Bogota Inglés Ya - French to English Translation

Manchette: L’inquiétant démantèlement des centrales nucléaires françaises

Troubling dismantlement of French nuclear facilities

Representing 75% of its electrical production, France is the most dependent country on nuclear power in the whole world. Yet no French reactor has ever been completely dismantled, even those closed for more than thirty years. A report published on February 1 by a parliamentary commission accuses EDF (Electricité de France) of largely underestimating the costs and difficulty of deconstruction of its nuclear power plants.

"The fact-finding commission has come up with a number of conclusions that strongly temper the optimism of EDF managers. That, in essence, is the message from members of Parliament who drafted the report on the "technical and financial feasibility of dismantling nuclear installations."

[Check another French to English translation on the Canadian Translation Bureau].


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Bogota | Portuguese Translation - Auto industry and Trump

Bogota Inglés Ya - Portuguese to English Translation

Manchete: Trump é a maior preocupação da indústria automobilística hoje

Headline: Trump is major worry today for automobile industry 

Trump is a major worry today for the automobile industry 

Auto company executives normally spend the end of the year preparing launches and strategies to boost sales. 

 But this year, the Detroit leaders have spent considerable time trying to figure out how to negotiate with the new president of the United States, Donald Trump. Union leaders are being consulted on how to reform factory work, board members are trying to find out who has friends in the new government of Trump, and special committees were created to monitor the president's Twitter account.


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